Top 6 lifestyle hacks to get rid of acne

Try these powerful lifestyle hacks that make your acne vanish

It is very important to change your lifestyle along with the external remedies to get rid of acne quickly. Keeping your body healthy and reducing the oil in the skin is also very important to get rid of acne.

Here are the Top 6 lifestyle hacks to make your acne vanish.

Lifestyle hack #1: Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is essential for healthy and glowing skin. Dry skin can get easily damaged and irritated resulting in pimples. Even mild dehydration can affect your physical activities as well as your skin health. So, stay hydrated to make your skin glow.

How much water do you need?

  • 2.7 liters per day is the recommended fluid intake level for women.
  • 3.7 liters per day is the recommended fluid intake level for Men.
These fluid levels can be in the form of juice, beverages, tea, food and water. 

Lifestyle hack #2: Never ever touch your pimples

Touching your pimples and pinching them with your nails will make the pimple worse and spread to other areas. Touching and pinching the pimple is the common thing we all do out of curiosity which is a very wrong method to treat pimples.

Touching, pinching, squeezing, popping the pimples are strictly don'ts. If you do these things, you will end up getting pimples more and worse than before. If you have large sores, contact your doctor and get the treatment done.

Lifestyle hack #3: Choose the right cleanser

There are numerous cleaners available in the market. Choosing the right cleanser for your skin type is very important. 

First of all, stop using soaps on your face. Most of the soap has more acidity which is not good for your skin and can quickly damage your skin. Choose the right face cleanser that is available in the market and start using it. 

Cleanse your face twice daily with the cleanser and you can also wash your face frequently with plain water to hydrate it.

Lifestyle hack #4: Exfoliate Regularly

Exfoliation is the process of removing dead skin cells. There are various methods to do exfoliation using chemicals or natural scrub.

Exfoliation removes the clogged pores and helps to treat acne by removing the unwanted dead cells. Exfoliation can also improve skin health and appearance. 

The exfoliation must not be done daily and it should be done twice or thrice a week. Make sure you do the exfoliation process gently without damaging or irritating the skin.

Lifestyle hack #5: Reduce anxiety and stress

Are you wondering what is the relation between acne and stress?

When you are stressed, your body releases some hormones that increase sebum production which makes your acne worse. 

Your mental health also affects your skin health. Although it does not contribute much still it's important to maintain good mental health to lead a prosperous life with beautiful skin.

Lifestyle hack #6: Follow a proper diet 

Following the proper diet is essential for healthy skin. Here are some foods that are not recommended for healthy skin.

What kind of foods I should not consume?

  1. Avoid dairy products. Consuming more dairy products can cause acne on your skin.
  2. Avoid foods with a high glycemic index like white bread, soft drinks, candies, pastries, doughnuts, etc.
  3. Avoid oily food that can easily cause pimples on your face.

Start consuming greens, vegetables and fruits that are very healthy for your skin.
