Daily Skin Care Routine for All Skin Types - You must follow

CTM Routine for all skin types to get flawless skin - You must follow

The Beauty world is full of diverse products and remedies for diverse problems of your skin. But, the CTM routine is the one basic routine everyone must follow no matter what your skin type or age is. It is a basic skincare routine that enriches your skin and gives a naturally radiant look.

This article demonstrates a very basic skincare routine that does not harm your skin. Go ahead and try it out, you pretty girls!

What is CTM Routine?

CTM stands for Cleansing, Toning and Moisturising. It is the most effective and trusted skin care routine that gives you flawless skin. Cleansing removes the dirt from your skin, Toning helps to balance your skin's pH value and finally moisturizing helps to prevent skin dryness.

CTM Routine has to be done twice a day, first in the morning and second at night before going to bed. The CTM routine has to be done in the correct order starting from cleansing followed by toning and moisturizing.

How to follow CTM Routine?

Here is the step by step guide to the CTM Routine. You can follow these steps as your morning and night skincare routine.

Step #1: Cleansing

Cleansing helps to remove the dirt, excess oil and unwanted skin cells from the surface of your skin making it fresh. Choosing the right cleanser that suits your skin very important. You can cleanse your skin twice a day as a first step to the CTM Routine.

A sulfate-free cleanser does not dry out your skin and is less likely to damage your skin.

Step #2: Toning

Toning balances the pH level of your skin which helps your skin less prone to oiliness and infection. Your skin also becomes more vibrant and smooth by using a toner. Toners containing alcohol are extremely harsh on your skin and can damage it sooner or later. Toning also prepares your skin for the next step of CTM routine-moisturizing.

Using a natural toner like rosewater can do wonders for your skin. You can also use other toners available in the market which contains natural hydrating ingredients in it.

Step #3: Moisturizing

Moisturizing is a very important step in our skincare routine. It helps to maintain the health of your skin and protects it from irritation or infections. Moisturizing can reduce the chances of your skin becoming too dry or too oily rather it balances the skin texture. 

Choosing the right moisturizer that suits your skin is also very important. Choose a moisturizer that is specially formulated for the face. 

Step #4: Use Sunscreen

There is one more simple step you must follow after doing the CTM Routine. 

Use Sunscreen after doing your CTM routine only in the morning. Sunscreen helps you to protect your skin from the sun's radiation and makes your skin less prone to damage or tan. 

Use a sunscreen that has at least SPF 30 and PA+ rating. This helps to protect your skin from both UVA and UVB radiations. After all, choose the right sunscreen that suits well for your skin.

These are very basic skincare routine that you must follow. Apart from these steps, there are other skincare routines like exfoliation, eye care, lip care, hand and feet care. Follow these routines and shine bright.
