How to identify your skin type - You must know

How to identify your skin type?

Identifying your skin type is very important before you choose your skincare products. Skin type is determined by the amount of oil produced by your skin. There are 4 common types of skin which include oily, dry, combination and normal skin. How to identify the type of skin you have? Don't worry, this article will help you to do it easily. 

Skin type #1: Oily Skin 

Oily skin type usually produces excess oil and usually looks greasy. Blackheads, pimples and acne are more common in this skin type. You can prevent these problems by choosing the right cleansers and other skincare products.

If you have an oily skin type, your face has the following conditions:
  • Your face usually looks very shiny than other skin types.
  • Oily skin will look greasy as the day continues.
  • The oily areas of your face will have pimples, blackheads and acne.
  • Your forehead and nose area will have excess oil than other areas of your face.

Skin type #2: Dry Skin

Dry skin types usually produce less oil than the normal skin type. As a result, the skin lacks moisture and becomes dry and rough. If you are a person with dry skin, it's moisturizing your skin with the right moisturizer is very important for its health.

If you have a dry skin type, your face has the following conditions:
  • Your face will look rough and dry.
  • You may have mild flakiness and scaling of your skin.
  • You may have itchiness and feel very tight.

Skin type #3: Normal Skin

Normal skin type people have balanced secretion of sebum on their skin and they are just blessed with good skin and you are very less prone to skin problems. Check How to choose the best cleanser for your skin type.

If you have normal skin, your face has the following conditions:
  • You have good blood circulation in your skin. 
  • Your skin has no blemishes.
  • Your skin is not prone to sensitivity.

Skin type #4: Combination skin

People with combination skin have combined features of oily and dry skin in their face. 

If you have combination skin, your face has the following conditions:
  • Your forehead, chin and nose will be oily.
  • Your cheeks will be normal to dry.
