6 Simple and Powerful Home Remedies for Glowing Skin

Here are 6 Simple, Powerful and Affordable Home Remedies for Glowing Skin

Clear and Glowing Skin is always a dream for many. Gone are those days, try these simple and powerful home remedies to make your dream come true. Here are some tested and proven home remedies just for you to turn your skin glowing. 

Let's start our journey towards glowing skin!

4 Common Things to Remember before you do any remedies on your skin:
  1. Make sure you cleanse your face before doing these remedies.
  2. Always do a patch test on your neck or sides of your chin before you go for your whole face.
  3. Always do the remedies for your neck also, so that your face and neck don't look different.

Home Remedy #1: Tomato and Honey

Tomato acts excellent on your skin to reduce oiliness, open pores and blackheads. Tomato also acts as a great cleanser and helps to keep the skin tighter. 

Honey not only acts sweet on our tastebuds but also acts excellent on our skin. Honey is an excellent moisturizer for our skin and it hydrates even the driest skins. It has healing properties that even nourish damaged skin.

How to use it on your Skin?

  1. Cut the tomato in half or take a slice of tomato and take 1 teaspoon of honey.
  2. Dip the tomato slice into honey and apply it to your face in a circular motion.
  3. Do this for about 10 minutes and wash your face with cold water.
You can do this home remedy thrice in a week for better results. 

Home Remedy #2: Potato and RoseWater

Potato is a natural bleach to our skin. It helps to remove dark spots, gives an even tone to our skin and also helps to lighten our skin.

RoseWater refreshes your skin so quickly. The antibacterial properties in it can help you reduce acne. Without any doubt, it can reduce your skin redness and improve your skin complexion.

How to use it on your Skin?

  1. Mix 1 to 2 tablespoon of potato juice and 1 teaspoon of rosewater in a clean bowl.
  2. Take the mixture and gently massage it on your skin using your fingertips for about 15 minutes.
  3. Wash your face with cold water.
You can do this remedy 2 to 3 times a week for better results. 

Home Remedy #3: Besan, Curd and Lemon Juice

Besan/Gram Flour helps to get rid of dead skin cells, removes tan and lightens skin color. The zinc in besan helps to fight against infections in your skin. 

Curd/Yogurt is a great exfoliant and gets rid of your dry skin. It enhances skin texture and helps to remove blackheads and whiteheads. Curd/Yogurt also leaves your skin soft and supple.

Lemon Juice is excellent for skin brightening. It also repairs damaged skin cells. without any doubt, lemon is one of the excellent ingredients for treating your skin. 

How to use it on your Skin?

  1. Mix 2 tablespoons of besan, 1 tablespoon of curd and few drops of lemon in a clean bowl.
  2. Apply the paste on your face evenly and let it sit for about 20 to 30 minutes.
  3. Wash your face with warm water.
You can do this remedy once or twice a week to get glowing skin.

Home Remedy #4: Lemon Juice and Honey 

Lemon Juice is excellent for skin brightening. It also repairs damaged skin cells. Without any doubt, lemon is one of the excellent ingredients for treating your skin. 

Honey not only acts sweet on our tastebuds but also acts excellent on our skin. Honey is an excellent moisturizer for our skin and it hydrates even the driest skins. It has healing properties that even nourish damaged skin.

How to use it on your Skin?

  1. Mix 1 tablespoon of honey and 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice.
  2. Massage gently on your skin in a circular motion for about 10 minutes.
  3. Wash your face with lukewarm water.
Use this home remedy 2 times a week for good results. Make sure you don't get exposed to the sun soon after this remedy.

Home Remedy #5: Aloe vera Gel

Aloe vera gel can do wonders on your skin. It contains antioxidants, vitamins A and C. It can treat acne, dry skin and damaged skin cells. It is also a great moisturizer, it helps to replenish your skin's moisture.

How to use it on your Skin?

If you have a fresh aloe vera plant, you can do the following steps:
  1. Scrap the gel out from the aloe vera plant using a spoon.
  2. Apply directly on your skin twice daily.
If you are using aloe vera gel bought from a store, you can do the following steps:
  1. Apply the aloe vera gel on your face and neck and massage gently for about 5 minutes using your fingertips.
  2. Do this every night before you go to sleep.
Aloe vera gel never harms your skin, it's extremely good for dry skin and combination skin. 

Home Remedy #6: Tomato and Sugar

Tomato acts excellent on your skin to reduce oiliness, open pores and blackheads. Tomato also acts as a great cleanser and helps to keep the skin tighter.

White Sugar/Brown Sugar is a great exfoliant and can help you to achieve clearer skin. it helps to remove dead skin cells, blackheads and whiteheads.

How to use it on your Skin?

  1. Cut the tomato in half or take a slice of tomato and take 1 tablespoon of white/brown sugar.
  2. Dip the tomato into the sugar crystals and massage it on your skin very gently without damaging your skin.
  3. Massage for about 10 minutes and wash your face with lukewarm water after another 5 minutes.
You can do this simple home remedy twice or thrice a week for great results.

All these home remedies give good results only when you continue for a few weeks. You will not get instant results but a permanent solution. Please don't use any ingredients that are allergic to your skin. Instead, you can try any other remedies mentioned here. 

Try these simple and powerful home remedies along with your skincare routine to get amazing results. You will notice the changes in your skin with regular usage of these remedies. 

Have a beautiful journey beauties!
